News & Events

Student Spotlight: Sophia Woznichak
Sep 30, 2019

Sophia Woznichak is an undergraduate student in the Physics and Astronomy department. Over the summer, she had her first research experience...

Community FEaST Film to Play at Commffest 2019
Sep 25, 2019

Ms. Carla Ramsdell is the founder of AppalFRESH and helps coordinate Community FEaST every year. AppalFRESH is a collaborative group with members all ...

Introducing: Ms. Bridgette Triplett
Sep 18, 2019

Ms. Bridgette Triplett has taken a part time position in the main office of the Physics and Astronomy department. She was born and raised here in Boon...

Student Spotlight: Hengming Li
Sep 16, 2019

This summer, student Hengming Li has been working at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Boulder. He has spent his time conducting r...

Interview with Local High School Physics Teacher: Tom Brown
Sep 11, 2019

Tom Brown is the physics teacher at Watagua High School here in Boone. As a high school teacher, Brown has the ability to influence young minds and en...

Student Spotlight: Lucian Murray
Sep 9, 2019

This summer undergraduate student Lucian Murray was awarded funds from Appalachian’s Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics ...

Physics Faculty and Staff Recognized as "Most Helpful"
Sep 8, 2019

Appalachian State's Mapworks Office has released a 2018-2019 list of the "most helpful" faculty and staff around campus. Students were asked to comple...

Alumni Spotlight: Ethan Mancil Earns Award in Teaching
Sep 7, 2019

Check out this article posted about one of our alumni, Ethan Mancil.

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Brady Pearce
Sep 6, 2019

Dr. Brady Pearce, a former student, is now teaching in our department. Dr. Pearce received both his BS and MS here at Appalachian and then went on to ...

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Brian Mazur
Sep 3, 2019

Dr. Brian Mazur, who got his PhD at the University of Toledo,  is a new lecturer in the Physics and Astronomy department this semester. Dr. Mazur...